Indian Institute of Horticulture, Bengaluru

Different types of jackfruit have come into commercial cultivation with different local names for the cultivars. Whatever varieties are grown commercially they are all selections made by enlightened growers or enthusiasts based on their own ideas of suitability. Further, there is no released varieties especially in orange reddish/coppery red flakes in our country which is having huge demand consumer.
The jackfruit farmer variety tree age is around 35 years identified from Chelur, Tumkur district and shape of the tree is broadly pyramidal. It is classified under small sized fruits (2-5 Kg). Weight of fruits 2.44 kg; Fruit shape irregular; Number of fruits/ tree- 450 (35 yrs.); and highly suitable for homesteads and commercial. Estimated yield 1098 Kg per tree; Bulb characters: Fruit consumption suit very much four member in family and each fruits contains (25-30 bulbs). Flakes colour- Coppery Red and quality (sweet and Firm), significantly proved better as compared to the Yellow and white colour flaked one. Weight of per flakes (24.5 g); Flake thickness (8.5 mm) and highest total soluble solids was recorded in (31.0 0B) in Siddu jackfruit.
Further, studies showed that Proximate and Phytochemical composition (per 100g flakes) of of SIDDU Jackfruit (Coppery Red Flakes) such as carotenoids, flavonoids, antioxidant and vitamins varied among clones.
Siddu Jackfruit having deep coppery red colour flakes with the highest values of total carotenoids and lycopene classes of phytochemicals composition as compared to the one having white colour flakes. Total soluble solids of this variety is quite high which is an important parameter related with fruit quality.
Phytochemical composition rich in Coppery Red Siddu jackfruit (such as Carotenoids (4.43 mg/100g), Lycopene (1.12 mg/100g), Total Flavonoids (3.74 mg catechin equivalents/100g), Total Phenols (31.76 mg Gallic acid equivalents/100g), Vitamin-C (6.48 mg/100 g) when compared to Yellow and white coloured Flakes. Total antioxidant activity from 11.00 and 14.93 mg AEAC/100g in FRAP and DPPH assay, respectively which indicated potential of its health promoting and functional food components. Further, Coppery Red Siddu jackfruit also contribute towards food and nutritional security as they provide good calories and a range of functional food components.

Take home
your Siddu Jack!

Top #1 Jackfruit variety