Full time
Siddu Jack Nursery
Posted 1 year ago

Career opportunities

Role : Marketing Intern

  1. Attend training to understand target market (sector, industry, segment, sub-segment), IPC (ideal customer profile), value proposition (products, services), business model etc. 
  2. Get clarity about nursery operation & process of receiving attention, inquiry, pricing, negotiation, 
    invoicing, billing, product  demo/training, packaging, delivery, customer experience management
  3. Prepare contact database, cold calling, cold emailing, WhatsApp marketing, social media marketing to generate inquiries, leads attract buyers.
  4. Copywriting, content writing skills to prepare ad copy and design flyers/brochure/product catalogues using tools like canva etc. 
  5. Keep tracking of assigned target and executing planned marketing strategies to accomplish set weekly/monthly targets. 


  1. After training assuming role and executing successfully to acquire confidence and capabilities to deliver expected results
  2. Owning targets, contacts, leads for follow-up and closure 

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